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NumPy Module in Python

NumPy is a package that is used for most of the array-processing. It provides a high-performance multidimensional array object, and tools for working with these arrays. The NumPy arrays takes significantly less amount of memory as compared to python lists because of this multi level advantages it is also used in scientific purposes.

Some of the NumPy fuctions that I used in this Notebook is listed below.

  • split
  • stack
  • unique
  • busdaycalendar
  • repmat from matlib library

The recommended way to run this notebook is to click the "Run" button at the top of this page, and select "Run on Binder". This will run the notebook on mybinder.org, a free online service for running Jupyter notebooks.

!pip install jovian --upgrade -q
import jovian

Let's begin by importing Numpy and listing out the functions covered in this notebook.