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A tour of all space missions since 1957

This dataset was taken from the user Agirlcoding of Kaggle. You can consult it here. It contains information about all the space missions since 1957, like the status of the mission, the name of the rocket and the company name.
My goal is to get very interesting insights from that data applying the different tools and techniques learned in the amazing data analysis course: zerotopandas. Some of those tools and techniques are:

  • Pandas: for loading our dataset in a dataframe so we can take advantage of its maniupulation operations.
  • Matplotlib and Seaborn: for creating visualizations that help us better understand the data.
  • Numpy: for different mathematical operations that facilitates the work.

As a first step, let's upload our Jupyter notebook to Jovian.ml.

project_name = "space-missions-since-1957"
!pip install jovian --upgrade -q
import jovian
[jovian] Attempting to save notebook.. [jovian] Creating a new project "gustavoriveram/space-missions-since-1957" [jovian] Uploading notebook.. [jovian] Capturing environment.. [jovian] Committed successfully! https://jovian.ml/gustavoriveram/space-missions-since-1957